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Anti-slavery and Anti-trafficking Statement and Policy | Governance anAnti-slavery and anti-trafficking statement and policy In accordance with Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, the University is required to prepare an anti-slavery and anti-trafficking statement for each financial
AlumniUniversity of Cambridge alumni website with news, events, CAM magazine, Alumni Groups, the travel programme and other benefits
Working class - WikipediaA sub-section of the proletariat, the lumpenproletariat (rag-proletariat), are the extremely poor and unemployed, such as day labourers and homeless people. Marx considered them to be devoid of class consciousness.
Bisphenol A - WikipediaBisphenol A was first reported in 1891 by the Russian chemist Aleksandr Dianin. 26
Unicode - WikipediaIn this document, entitled Unicode 88, Becker outlined a scheme using 16-bit characters: 7
Darwin Correspondence Project |Read and search the full texts of more than 12,000 of Charles Darwin’s letters, and find information on 3,000 more. Discover complete transcripts of all known letters Darwin wrote and received up to the year 1878.
Bitcoin - WikipediaIn December 2017, the first futures on bitcoin was introduced by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME). 37
Universal basic income - WikipediaAncient Egypt had a strong, unified theocratic state that owned key parts of the Egyptian economy, including granaries that dispensed grain to the public during hard times. 14
Courses for 2025 entry | Undergraduate StudyWe offer over 30 undergraduate courses at Cambridge. This covers more than 65 subject areas.
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